Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Pittsburgh Classic: Primanti Brothers Sandwich

Well, well, well. The Super Bowl is nigh upon us, and everybody is scrambling to put together that Super Sunday spread (gambling AND food). For many Pittsburghians, it often involves a big, fat Primanti Brothers Sandwich. Made out of necessity (we think), it involves a cut of meat, coleslaw, tomato, and french fries on thick Italian bread. That way all your condiments are in between two slices of bread, ready to eat. I tried my hand at this Pittsburgh staple, replacing the meat with a portabello mushroom steak with tasty results:

This took me back to the gritty Steel Town, even though I've never been there. Go figure.

Tune in on Saturday as I try my hand at an Arizona favorite: Fry Bread!


  1. Looks delish! I've never tried primanti's with any 'meat', just fries, slaw, and tomatoes...but we're planning on trying our hand at primanti's at our super bowl gathering on Sunday, and I was thinking of using some fake cold cuts, yves/lightife style.

  2. Sounds good! Let me know how it goes!
